Delivery Instructions
To arrange for a courier collection (ParcelForce) of your tent, please read the instructions below.
Before packaging
Please check – No pegs and groundsheets
We don’t need the pegs and groundsheets. The curtains and inner liner ARE required, but we don’t need the groundsheet, so please take them out before packaging.
Packaging advice
We can send you the packing materials.
- Middle-size, heavy-duty bags (51 x 76cm)
- Large white sack bags (80 x 125cm)
- Label bags
The main problem with the packing is the pole bag. Please use heavy-duty bags for the pole bag, top and bottom and tape them around as spirals. Please make sure the poles mustn’t go pop out from the bag during transport.
They could either be wrapped in plastic or strong bin bags etc. Just as long as everything is safe and doesn’t come undone during transport.
When the packing is ready, please take a picture of the parcels and send it to us. It helps to investigate if the courier loses a parcel.
Information we need
We will need a rough weight of each part of the consignment, each of the four below would be great. If a consignment is more than 30kg, we would really appreciate you separating it into two.
Please let us know the number of parcels and the weight and three dimensions of each one, and also some dates you are available for the collection as well.
The collection will be between 08:00-18:00 on weekdays. If you need to go out, you can leave the parcels in a safe place. I can suggest if you can leave a note (with your mobile number) on the door, the delivery man can take the parcels.
If you are working and you are not at home, you can bring the consignments to the local courier depot. There aren’t many local depots, but if you want to give it a go, please let us know. We will try to find one for you.
If you have a printer, I will send you the paid PDF labels. If you don’t have a printer, I can arrange for the delivery man will bring the delivery labels to the booking, so please let me know earlier.
Please copy and paste the example template below in the e-mail and fill in the information then send it back to us.
====== Arranging a collection ======
Parcels x 3 (change the number)
- Pole: 120 x 50 x 50 cm – 15kg
- Canvas: 120 x 50 x 50 cm- 15kg
- Aqning: 120 x 50 x 50 cm- 15kg
Personal info
- Name:
- Pick up address:
- Mobile:
- E-mail:
- Two available dates for the collection on weekday: